Eight students named to 2020-21 Student Advisory Board
Q&S News, The Digital QuillEight outstanding students from chapters across the United States have been named to the 2020-21 Quill and Scroll Student Advisory Board.
All eight students have been inducted into Quill and Scroll, and all eight submitted applications in…

Quill and Scroll teams with SPJ to provide free training on Google tools for journalists
Q&S News, The Digital QuillGoogle Tools and More for Your Classrooms and Newsrooms
Sign up today to take part in a training provided free by Quill and Scroll in partnership with the Society of Professional Journalists. The training is set for 2 to 4 p.m., Wednesday,…

For student journalists, there’s no trouble like John Lewis’ ‘Good Trouble’
Q&S News, The Digital QuillBy Patrick Johnson
Q&S Board Member
Student journalists can learn a lot from the life and career of civil rights legend and U.S. Representative John Lewis (D-Georgia). Amid all of his adages and advocacy, speeches and laws, fights…

Four students earn Q&S Scholarships
Q&S News, The Digital Quill2020 Q&S Scholarship Winners
FHN digital innovator wins top scholarship; three others selected
Emily Hood from Francis Howell North High School in St. Charles, Missouri has been named the winner of the 2020 George and Ophelia Gallup…

2020 Impact Award winner’s reporting prompts school board to move from discussion to action
Q&S News, The Digital QuillOriginally published on the JEA website
The Journalism Education Association and Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for High School Journalists have named the Orange & Black staff at Grand Junction (Colorado) High School…