Ron Stallworth: Inside a Black Man’s Mind
Articles, interviews, The SocietyNews, tips and advice from the Quill and Scroll International Honor Society
Written by Quill and Scroll journalist Nichole Shaw
Quill and Scroll spoke to Ron Stallworth, a retired police officer and author on Jan. 23 to tell us his story…

Media Ethics Workshop Storify
Articles[View the story "Media Ethics Workshop — ICKES" on Storify]
[View the story "Media Ethics Workshop - PIPPIN" on Storify]

EchoXtra Reunion Videos
90th Anniversary, ArticlesJournalism Teaches Skills for Success
Freedom Trilogy
Video 1: Journalism Engages Thinkers
Video 2: Journalism Activates Citizens
Video 3: Journalism Develops Leaders

2015 Quill and Scroll Scholarship Recipients Announced
Articles, Blogging, Contests, Multimedia, Photo, scholarships, WritingAfter a competitive application process, six incoming college freshmen were awarded Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society scholarships for studies in journalism or communications.
The recipients of the George and Ophelia Gallup…

Q&A: Advisers, why do you do what you do? By Mark Newton, JEA President
Articles, interviews, Q&S NewsIn his Fall 2012 JEA Column of Quill & Scroll magazine, Mark Newton shared his joys as a journalism adviser. He also shared those of other journalism teachers:
I love watching students carry real, honest and important conversations onto…

Quill and Scroll Students on the Road
Articles, interviews, Q&S News, scholarships[tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axqZrawrofw&feature=context&context=C422d3ffA[/tube]
Watch Quill and Scroll students share their experiences when they take the show on the road.

Tom French Interview
Articles, interviews, Q&S News[tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozHMoW6Nohs&context=C4edb964ADvjVQa1PpcFPd58cBGQJFc7ylGhibHhWb6EN_mFF84gw=[/tube]
Adding narrative writing techniques will increase reader interest, as well as strengthen journalistic writing. Tom…

Burning Questions about Blogs
Articles, Blogging, Q&S NewsDavid Schwartz
Executive Director
Iowa High School Press Association
If we’re going to write a column about blogging, let’s first address a burning issue: Nobody knows, exactly, what blogging is. Or rather, everybody knows what it is,…

Attract Readers to Your Blog
Articles, Blogging, Q&S NewsDo you know how many people are visiting your blog? Here are ways to get your blog known and increase your readership.
Make your blog public
In setting up your blog’s preferences, be sure your blog is checked as public. That means the…

Get Into the Game!
Articles, Q&S NewsVideo Gaming Popularity Grows, Generating Interest in Reviews.
Jayson Gegner
Video Game Reviewer and
University of Iowa Graduate
“Do what you love.”
“Better late than never.”
“Get your foot in the door.” These idioms appear…