The Weekly Scroll for Friday, Sept. 8, 2017

News, tips and advice from the Quill and Scroll International Honor Society. Compiled and written by Marni Wax, Allison Wunder and Emily LaGrange. The Lede: #GirlBoss In this day and age, nothing is more important than freedom of expression,…

The Q&S Q&A: Journalist Michael Kodas talks wildfires, environmental journalism

Wildfires are ravaging the American West, hurricanes are pounding the South, so there's never been a more appropriate time for all journalists to produce useful stories about the environment — but those stories don't all need to be treatises…

The Weekly Scroll for Friday, Sept. 1

News, tips and advice from the Quill and Scroll International Honor Society. Compiled and written by Marni Wax, Allison Wunder and Emily LaGrange. The Lede: The water is coming, the water is coming! For all of our teacher or adviser readers...first…

The Weekly Scroll for Friday, Aug. 25, 2017

News, tips and advice from the Quill and Scroll International Honor Society. Compiled and written by Allison Wunder, Marni Wax and Emily LaGrange. The Lede: More fake news and how to fight it The investigative reporting of six students…

Global Student Square connects student journalists from around the world

Q&S Q&A with Beatrice Motamedi Executive Director, Global Student Square How did Global Student Square begin? I started GSS in 2015 during a John S. Knight fellowship in journalism at Stanford. But the seed of GSS was planted…

Skills are best applied to solve real-world problems

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By Erinn Aulfinger Lakota East (Ohio) HS, Class of 2017 (Editor's Note: Erinn Aulfinger is one of two 2017 winners of the George and Ophelia Gallup Scholarship awarded by Quill and Scroll. She is a freshman at Ohio State University in Columbus.) I’ve…

Quill and Scroll announces 2017 scholarship winners

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IOWA CITY, Iowa (August 21, 2017) – Quill and Scroll is proud to announce its scholarship winners for 2017: Erinn Aulfinger of Lakota East High School in Liberty Township, Ohio; Samantha Nork of Fraser HS in Fraser, Michigan; Cierra Wall of…

Twitter Q&A with new Executive Director Jeff Browne

[View the story "Twitter Q&A with new Executive Director Jeff Browne" on Storify]

Quill and Scroll Executive Director Appointed

Jeff Browne has been appointed executive director of Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for High School Journalists beginning July 5. Currently the director of CU News Corps at the University of Colorado Boulder, Browne will succeed…

Dow Jones News Fund magazine goes digital

Dow Jones News Fund magazine goes digital Since 1968, the Dow Jones News Fund has produced a free print publication for high school journalism teachers and media advisers – providing a place to trade teaching tips and curriculum ideas,…

Database connects pros with scholastic media

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Society of Professional Journalists members and local chapters want to share their expertise with elementary, middle and high school journalism programs. Teachers and students can use the Journalism Education Database, created by SPJ’s Journalism…
Q&S members are inducted.

Putting Glam In Induction: Richland R-1 School (MO) Red Carpet Ceremony Photos

Quill and Scroll membership induction was a red carpet event at Richland R-1 School in the small Missouri town of Essex . Here are some photos from the 2015 event. Read about it in the Fall 2015 Quill & Scroll magazine. *Click on an image…