Setting next year’s goals for Quill and Scroll chapters 

This activity has students reflect on what they did as a chapter and helps set goals for Quill and Scroll for the following academic year.

Quill and Scroll Guiding Principles:

Leadership, Loyalty, Initiative, Judgment, Friendship


  • Paper
  • Writing utensil
  • Eight Guiding Principles of Quill and Scroll

Set up:

Have paper and pens/pencils ready

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. As Quill and Scroll outlines, chapter activity is dependent on what the adviser and students would like. Now is the time to reflect on what your goals and aspirations are for next year’s group.
  2. Individual brainstorming: On a piece of paper, write a number 1. Ask students to answer the first question: What is your favorite memory from being in Quill and Scroll? Have them add why.
  3. On a piece of paper, write a number 2. Ask students to answer the second question: What was your favorite activity? Have them add why. They should hand these to whomever is leading this activity.
  4. Now, in groups of three, examine what you want to do next year. Put these ideas in order of importance.
  5. As a group of three: Examine the principles of Quill and Scroll: Truth, Learning, Leadership. Loyalty, Initiative, Integrity, Judgment and Friendship. (Students could use a graphic organizer, such as a bubble map to help with this.) Asking questions such as “How do we forward and educate about truth” or “How do we show leadership” could help with this.
  6. Make a list of the activities that could show these.
  7. Now, as a group of three, identify your top three activities.
  8. Have students share their ideas with the large group.
  9. Think about the action(s) can students take to help promote the First Amendment, media literacy or even forward the eight principles of Quill and Scroll?
  10. If your school starts late, you might want to start thinking about how you would like to celebrate and educate on Constitution Day, which is Sept. 17.