Now that you’ve decided what type of initiation you want to do…
Step 2: Set the date and location
Secure date, location and time for initiation. (It’s a good idea to do this very early. Schools may become inundated with requests — especially if you have a spring induction.) If having a speaker, reach out as soon as the person is identified. While some have a speaker at their induction, others do not. Both are great options.
Step 3: What is Quill and Scroll?
Explain to students what Quill and Scroll is and outline the benefits of joining. This slideshow might be helpful, but know you will need to add information about your own chapter. While we don’t require activities or meetings, some chapters meet monthly and then have an activity each semester while others opt to use Quill and Scroll as an honorary only.
Step 4: Secure members
Some schools have an open invitation (present list of requirements and then say how to indicate interest). Others have an application process. If you opt for the application process, you may use this form. Please note, you may modify this as you wish.
At least three weeks in advance (longer if you need to secure a purchase order earlier):
Step 5: Secure and process payment (if applicable) and order
While some schools use school or student media funds for this, others ask the students to pay. If you are asking students to pay, explain how to collect money, when it’s due, format, etc. Then deposit these funds to your student media account or whatever account you use to use funds. You may use this spreadsheet to keep track of what students order. (This spreadsheet is not an order form. Its intent is to help advisers keep track of orders. You could keep track of memberships on the second tab and then send this membership list to [email protected]. We can upload your member information from there.)
Submit your order either using our online ordering system or using the paper form found on our site. (The paper form will delay your order.) Please use this form for a credit card order or this form to use a check or purchase order. See our “how to order” section.
Send proper paperwork to the school finance office.
Next steps dependent on payment type:
If paying with a purchase order:
Submit school forms and send the purchase order to [email protected].
If paying with a credit card:
Use the credit card form. It will automatically generate a receipt for you.
If paying by check:
Make a note of the check number and send us the check at our Minnesota address. (We moved from Iowa in 2022.) If you need a copy of our W9, hover over our “Memberships and ordering” area in our navigation bar and go to “Order forms.” We have one uploaded there.
Step 6: Send member names
If you ordered online, make sure to send the student inductee names on the spreadsheet located on the Thank You page of our online ordering form to [email protected]. If you used the paper form, we will add your names from there. Please delete extra names and make sure you have included all new members prior to sending. We will bill you for any additional members listed.
If you used the paper form, please make sure you have included the member names on the form. Please double check your math prior to sending.
Step 7: Start planning your induction
Find the induction script you prefer. Please note, one involves lighting candles. Your school may have rules concerning this. (Some schools use the electronic candles instead.)
If you are having a meal, select what you will serve as well as establish a budget. Are you serving desserts, such as cake and cookies, or do you plan to serve a meal?
If you are having a meal, decide if you are hiring a catering company or have a pot-luck style list. We suggest using an online-sign up, such as Signup Genius or another similar option.
If food is being served, make sure to confirm delivery date and time at least one week out. Remember to either ask for or pick up all necessary serving supplies as well as plates, napkins, cutlery, etc.
Some schools pick up flowers (some have just picked flowers up from a local grocery store and then put them in a vase).
If you plan to have a program, design and print these at least one week out. (We have a sample here.) If applicable, students can fold these as soon as they are printed.
Step 8: Secure supplies, food, speakers
Make sure you have the supplies needed: Certificates and membership pins. Induction supplies should be ordered at least three weeks prior to induction and checked as soon as received
Make sure to add your student and school name to the certificates. Some also give other memorabilia such as patches or stickers. Often, seniors are honored by receiving Quill and Scroll graduation honor cords and diploma seals.
While we pride ourselves on very few incomplete orders, mistakes do happen occasionally. Please open your order as soon as received. We include an itemized receipt/invoice in every order. Please forward this to your business office if needed.
Pick up any needed food items including plates, napkins and utensils.
Make sure to contact the speaker(s), reconfirm and let the person know where to meet the students who will welcome them to the event. Write a quick introduction of the speaker. This could be assigned to the students.
Step 9: Set up and student initiation involvement
Be sure to remind student what you need from them at least one week out. Student involvement is up to you — there are many roles they can fill.
Ask students to move any chairs and tables and hang the Quill and Scroll banner. If you have Quill and Scroll officers, ask them to decide who will represent each of the Eight Guiding Principles found in the ceremony.
If food is being served, ask students to arrive at least 30 minutes early. Have at least two students positioned to welcome the speaker at least 10 minutes prior to the speaker’s arrival time.
Step 10: Induction time!
The adviser or Quill and Scroll chapter president could welcome members and then start the induction ceremony. If you have parents and others in attendance, make sure to thank them for coming.
Make sure someone is ready to introduce the speaker. You could have a student emcee the event.
Enjoy! Make sure to send photos of the initiation to [email protected].